Marriage & Romantic Partnerships

Man holding a woman up in his arms at a beach in a romantic way. Rekindling Passion, Romance, and Desire.

Bring the Sexy Back into Your Relationship This Valentine’s Day

A Therapist’s Guide to Rekindling Passion, Romance, and Desire What makes a relationship passionate and romantic, not just on Valentine’s Day but all throughout the year? Is it romance? Wining and dining? Writing poetry or serenading with love songs? These things may be great, but quickly dull over time. So,

Do Healthy Relationships Have Problems?

Sure, but here’s what keeps them healthy. Many people believe that healthy relationships don’t have problems. The truth is, all relationships have problems because we are all imperfect humans. Moreover, all relationships go through periods of harmony and disharmony. But the difference between happy and healthy couples is this. They

Can an Unhealthy Relationship Become Healthy?

How to have a healthy relationship Is there hope for change if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? You may be at the end of your rope. You’ve tried talking things out with your partner, reading self-help books on relationships, and even attending counselling, but only to get the same result…the

How Secure Attachment Builds Resilience

Enhance Your Well-Being and Quality of Life So, what’s the big deal about secure attachment? “Attachment” has become a buzz word and everyone’s trying to figure out what kind of attachment they have. In general, humans have an innate need for secure attachment. That is, we have a need for

How Avoidant Attachment Harms Intimacy

Balancing Independence and Emotional Connection Do you love your partner but can’t truly feel close to them? Do you go through the motions in your relationship because you’re supposed to do certain things and not because you want to?  Do you prefer to show love with acts of service rather

Anxious Attachment in Romantic Relationships

Recognizing and Overcoming Hypersensitivity Has anyone ever told you that you’re too sensitive? Or that you overthink things? Do you second guess your interactions with others, and afterwards, replay the scene over and over again with different versions of what you could have done differently? Do you overexplain to make

The Impact of Neglect on Your Adult Relationships

How Childhood Emotional Neglect Influences Adult Attachment Styles Were you abused in childhood and don’t even know it? Most of us are aware of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even verbal abuse. But the most “neglected” type of abuse is emotional neglect. It is defined as a relationship pattern in

Do You Normalize Mistreatment?

You might and not even know it Do you have a loved one (e.g., partner, parent, friend, family member) who does or says things to you that you don’t like, but you don’t do anything about it? Do you excuse their poor behaviour by saying things like, “Sometimes you have

How to Find the “Right One”

Written By: Dr. Gloria Lee, Registered Psychologist “How do I find the ‘right one’?” I often get asked this question from people who are single, dating, divorced, had a string of unsuccessful relationships, considering engagement, or contemplating re-marriage. So, what is the best relationship advice I can give to someone

Spark Up Your Relationship: The Secret to Long-Lasting Romance

Written By: Leah Liu, MCP, Registered Clinical Counsellor As February approaches, Valentine’s Day is on the horizon. Have you thought about what gifts you want to give and receive from your partner? Or are you planning a romantic dinner? But how long can a romantic day keep the spark alive?