Self-Care & Healing

5 Ways to Stay Sane at Home During the Pandemic

5 Ways to Stay Sane at Home During the Pandemic As we enter into our fourth month of social distancing and staying at home, we are forced to find a new normal in our life. Although we may be physically safe at home, some of us are starting to feel

The Biggest Mistake that Clients Make

After 20+ years of seeing clients, I’ve come to recognize the biggest and most common mistake that clients make. They want a quick fix to their problem and feel better right away. In other words, they want the band-aid approach to counselling. Understandably so, as none of us want to

10 Reasons Why People Stay Stuck in Depression

Why do people stay stuck in depression? Are there certain things that we do to perpetuate bad feelings, or do we have no control over our depression? Research shows that people typically do certain things to maintain their depression. Here are 10 ways how. Everything is either black or white,