4 Communication Styles that Lead to Failed Relationships
Written By: Leah Liu, Registered Clinical Counsellor Recall your previous failed attempts at communicating. Are any of the following phrases familiar? Partner B: (Looks down, avoids eye contact) Partner A: “Are you listening to me? Hello?” Partner B: (No response) In his book, The seven principles for making marriage work (2015), relationship expert, Dr. John […]
Sleep 101: Exploring the Power of Sleep
Written by: Heather Aikman, Registered Clinical Counsellor Does sleep feel elusive at times? Do you remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day? There is a sleep deprivation epidemic happening in our society. Research indicates that two thirds of adults in developing countries do not get the recommended […]
How Does the Beauty Industry Negatively Impact our Mental Health Without us Even Realizing it?
Interview w/ Dr. Gloria Lee, Clinical Psychologist Last Fall Dr. Lee did an Interview with Demee Kochon Beauty and Mental Health, we wanted to share an excerpt from Demee’s article. What is the role of beauty in life? We are all intrinsically attracted to beauty. The human brain is designed to enjoy and appreciate things […]