A New Year, A New Connection With Your Kids

Written By: Heather Aikman, Registered Clinical Counsellor The beginning of the year is a great time to set new goals and improve on different areas of your life. Being a “better” parent may be one of these areas. It’s not easy being a parent these days. There are a lot of competing demands between work, […]
How to Beat Insomnia

Written by: Dr. Michael Mandrusiak, PsyD, Registered Psychologist An Insomnia Story Demi is a fast-paced professional who juggles work and family and still manages to stay on top of her game. A recent and exciting career change is nothing unusual for her, but three weeks into the new gig she experiences three nights of difficulty […]
5 Secrets to Achieving your New Year’s Resolution

Written By: Dr. Gloria Lee, Registered Psychologist Many of you set new year’s resolutions and have great hopes of changing and improving yourself. However, most people give up shortly after the new year has just begun. By the end of January, 55-75% fail to achieve their resolution. The number keeps dropping rapidly over the year […]